Montgomery College 2017-2018 Catalog 
    Mar 28, 2025  
Montgomery College 2017-2018 Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Services for Students

Academic Support

Montgomery College offers academic skills workshops, counseling and advising, tutoring, and other programs to help students improve skills in studying, test-taking, overcoming math anxiety, and time management, to name a few. Services are available in a variety of learning centers at each campus.

Adult Learners

Montgomery College Adult Learner programs provide a variety of resources for the College’s ever-growing adult student population. Our adult student services connect students with people and offices that provide services and programs for this unique population. The programs cater to all adult students-individuals entering Montgomery College who have never attended college, and adult students now returning to college. Each of the three campuses offers individualized academic advising and counseling services targeted to adult students interested in taking courses for college credit. In addition, each campus has a financial aid office and tutoring centers and offers adult-focused academic, social, and informational workshops and programs. For more information please visit:

For information regarding a specific campus, please contact us at 240-567-1614.

Montgomery College’s Workforce Development & Continuing Education office also offers noncredit courses (including Adult ESOL and Literacy-GED) as well as college credit courses and business training in convenient community locations. More information can be obtained by calling 240-567-5188.


Students must demonstrate their skills in English, reading, and mathematics upon admission to the College so they may be placed in courses matching their academic skill levels. Students may be exempt from assessment if they can provide documentation that they have completed appropriate college coursework or have sufficiently high scores on standardized test instruments such as the SAT, ACT, or TOEFL. If such documentation is not available, students must take the college placement examination. The centers also provide testing services for students who need to take make-up examinations, those enrolled in Distance Education courses, and students with disabilities who need special accommodations.

Locations and Contact Information:

Germantown: Science and Applied Studies Building, Room 132; 240-567-7739
Rockville: Campus Center, Room 014; 240-567-7459
Takoma Park/Silver Spring: Student Services Center, Room 323B, 240-567-1555  


Montgomery College offers a variety of intercollegiate and intramural sports. The College belongs to the National Junior College Athletic Association (NJCAA), Region XX, and the Maryland Junior College Athletic Association (JUCO).


The Follett Higher Education Group operates Montgomery College Campus Stores on all three campuses and the Cafritz Art Store in The Morris and Gwendolyn Cafritz Foundation Arts Center. New and used textbooks, rentals, eBooks, and additional classroom materials are available in the stores. Our website also features online sales of textbooks that are available for delivery to your home or for pick-up at your campus store. Hours of operation are scheduled to meet the needs of each campus and are extended at the beginning of each semester. Regular days of operation are Monday through Saturday. Please visit the MC Books & More website for hours of operation.

Each store offers reference books, study guides, and best-sellers. Books still in print may be special ordered. Other merchandise is available, such as software, art materials, school supplies, medical and laboratory supplies, and calculators. Textbook buyback may be done online or in the stores at the end of each semester. Visit the buyback link on our website for details.

Montgomery College clothing and memorabilia, gifts, and snacks are available in all stores. Gift cards, and order information on class rings and nursing pins are also available. 

Students may visit the Montgomery College Campus Stores website to research all services available, to view course material and textbook selections, and to place orders online. For more information, to access these services, or to contact the Campus Stores staff at

Career Centers

The Career Centers provide students a range of tools and services to support their career/ employment goals. These services include:

  • Access to online career assessments and occupational information
  • Individual assistance with goal setting, resume development, interview preparation, and effective job search strategies
  • Access to online labor market information and job boards
  • Access to cooperative education and internships related to their major
  • Information about job fairs and on-campus employer recruitment visits

Career Centers are available at the following locations:

Germantown: Science and Applied Studies Building, Room 265
Rockville: Campus Center, Room CB219
Takoma Park/Silver Spring: Resource Center, Room 205

Career Coach

Career Coach is a valuable online search tool that will give you the opportunity to explore hundreds of potential careers or job possibilities in Maryland and the Washington D.C. metropolitan area. Career Coach provides you with a brief employment analysis of the selected job, including how many are employed in the geographical area, the estimated number of annual job openings in this career, and breakdown of worker demographics by age. The job listings and information provided are specific to Montgomery County and the surrounding localities. You won’t find it anywhere else in the region. We offer it as a service to our students, future students, and members of our community. Visit the website and learn more.

Center for Early Education

The Center for Early Education (CEE) creates educational, active based learning experiences for children 2-5 years of age. Our nationally accredited program cultivates academic readiness and social/emotional development within a nurturing, respectful environment that meets the needs of our community. Students, faculty/staff and community may register for the program depending on space availability. A limited number of student tuition scholarships are available. The center is open Monday through Friday 7 a.m. to 6 p.m. The CEE serves as a teacher training site as well as a research opportunity for faculty and students learning about child development.

Counseling and Advising

Academic advising is viewed as a collaborative process and is designed to assist students in establishing goals, minimizing barriers, and encouraging self-sufficiency now and into the future. With this in mind, students will not get “prescribed” answers, but will be encouraged to design and adapt plans which reflect their emerging interests, knowledge and goals. Students will be encouraged to make informed academic decisions and consider potential consequences of their decisions.

Counselors help students in making educational, transfer, and career decisions and in planning for and progressing toward their individual goals. They assist students in planning to complete certificates or degrees from the College and in preparing to transfer to four-year colleges and universities. Counselors also listen to students’ concerns and can connect them with community services, if necessary, or assist them in crisis and other critical situations.

Faculty advisors assist students in identifying useful elective courses for any declared majors, make referrals to academic support services, recommend out-of-class activities and experiences to enhance learning or career development, and educate students about academic honor or professional associations. Faculty advisors also assist students in pre-registering for academic courses in their major.

Students are encouraged to seek counseling and advising services throughout the academic year, instead of only during registration periods. Students who see the same counselor and/or advisor during their enrollment at the College benefit by setting clear academic goals that are reviewed periodically.

Locations and Contact Information:

Germantown: Science and Applied Studies Building, Room 250; 240-567-7770
Rockville: Counseling and Advising Building, Room 215; 240-567-5058
Takoma Park/Silver Spring: Student Services Center, Room 233, 240-567-1480

General hours of operation are posted to the Counseling department web site at Specific hours, scheduling options and instructions may be viewed from the Counseling and Advising Network page at

Student Success (STSU) Courses

Counselors teach courses that ease the transition to college and provide tools for developing academic and life skills.

Student Success courses are designed to meet the diverse academic needs and interests of students. Courses to help with the transition to college include First Year Seminar (STSU 100 ) and Seminar for International Students (STSU 101 ). These two courses in particular are an important component of the First Year Experience activities, and all first-time college students are strongly encouraged to take one of these courses. Courses in Study Habits Development (STSU 110 ), Memory Development (STSU 114 ), and Building Math Confidence (STSU 112 ) focus on building skills. Career Development: Dynamics and Application (STSU 120 ) covers how to choose, plan, establish, or change career fields. Principles of Academic Success (STSU 122 ) helps students who have a history of academic and personal issues develop behavioral strategies to improve overall success.

Disability Support Services

In accordance with the provisions of the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 and Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, the College provides accommodations, access to facilities, programs, activities, and services for qualified students with documented disabilities. Disability Support Services (DSS) works with students with disabilities such as learning disability, attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder, mental health disabilities, autism spectrum disorder, brain injuries, physical/mobility and medical disabilities, and vision and hearing impairments. DSS utilizes an interactive process in determining accommodations for each student.

DSS counselors advise students and provide academic, career, and short-term personal counseling. They determine and facilitate appropriate academic and technological accommodations, act as liaisons with College resources and external agencies and consultants, and provide referral services for students with disabilities. DSS faculty and staff assist in arranging support services within the framework of student self-determination and self-advocacy.

Eligibility and Services

Students must self-identify and are encouraged to contact DSS as soon as possible after admission to the College. DSS counselors determine eligibility for services and meet with students to identify academic adjustments and/or accommodations. Accommodations are determined on a case-by- case basis and may include extended time, note-taking assistance, sign language interpreting services, and alternative formats for printed materials. Each campus offers assistive technology, including computers with disability-specific software and hardware, voice recognition and synthesizers, print magnifiers and scanners, large print, and Braille, as well as individual tutorial support.

Arranging for Services

New students complete an on-line intake form, submit documentation of a disability, and meet with a designated DSS counselor for an initial intake to determine accommodations and services. New and returning students requesting support services and/or accommodations need to submit a Request for Services Form to a DSS counselor at the campus they plan to attend at least two weeks before the beginning of each semester in order to ensure timely services. Accommodations may be requested at any time, but are not retroactive. Students are encouraged to maintain regular contact with their DSS counselor for guidance and assistance.

Campus locations and contact information is as follows:

Germantown: 250 SA, 240-567-7770
Rockville: 122 CB, 240-567-5058
Takoma Park/Silver Spring: 233 ST, 240-567-1480
Workforce Development and Continuing Education: 204, CC, 240-567-4118

For more information on the application steps and DSS services visit:

First Year Experience

All first-time students are encouraged to participate in the College’s First Year Experience (FYE) program. This includes the Montgomery Advising Program (MAP) or International Montgomery Advising Program (IMAP) sessions, offered either in person or online (as eMAPs) by the Counseling and Advising departments. In addition to New Student Orientation, offered before every semester, the centerpiece of the FYE program is the FYE course, STSU 100  First Year Seminar.

The FYE Program will help new students learn the expectations for a college student and the skills to enhance their potential for success, time management, successful studying, and the development of an individualized education plan. They will learn about the higher education system, the purpose of general education, personal development, and career planning.

For more information, visit

Food Services

CaféMC locations and vending machines on each campus offer a variety of food, snacks, and beverages. In addition, the Takoma Park snack shop is located on the second floor of the Student Services Center, inside the Campus Store. For more information on CaféMC operating hours and menu offerings, visit the website For Campus Store snack shop offerings and hours, please contact the Takoma Park Bookstore at (240) 567-1522. For vending machine locations, visit


Students are responsible for their own living accommodations. The College does not approve or maintain housing facilities.

International and Multicultural Students

Counselors on each campus advise international and multicultural students from diverse cultures, including a wide range of ethnic, geographic, and language backgrounds. Students whose first language is not English can obtain specialized counseling and academic advising throughout the year. Orientation and special activities programming are offered.

For more information, please visit the Center for International and Multicultural Students at Germantown (150 Sciences and Applied Studies Building) or the Counseling and Advising departments at Rockville and Takoma Park/Silver Spring (Rockville, 215 Counseling and Advising Building; Takoma Park/Silver Spring, 233 Student Services Center).


Montgomery College Libraries provide quality resources and services to support the programs of the College and to meet the learning and information needs of students, faculty, staff, and community members. Libraries employees are available to assist users with research, technology, and access to the libraries’ resources. Librarians can help users find articles, media, or books for assignments, answer questions about citations, and help users evaluate information. This support is available in person, over the phone, and via the 24/7 librarian chat service, AskUsNow, available on the libraries’ website. Users can also get help with research in various subject areas and preparing for courses and assignments with the libraries’ online subject guides, course pages, and tutorials, all available on the website. All library locations offer a variety of study environments to fit diverse learning styles, including collaboration spaces, quiet zones, and private group study rooms.

The libraries maintain numerous computer workstations for College and community users. In addition, the libraries offer laptops and tablets for students to check out and use in the library. Students and faculty may use the libraries’ high-speed scanners, One Button Studios for easy video creation, and Collaborative Workstations for group projects. Student use of these services takes priority. Assistive technologies are available for patrons with special needs.

The libraries provide 24/7 access to hundreds of thousands of e-books, e-journals, and streaming media covering all subject areas and over 150 academic databases to assist with coursework, including databases that contain full-text articles. In addition, with over 215,000 volumes held, the MC Libraries’ print collections cover all disciplines. The libraries offer best-selling books, popular films and music, and a variety of newspapers and magazines. Library collections feature many textbooks required for various MC courses, which are available for use in the libraries. The MC Libraries also maintain a select collection of historical materials and memorabilia related to the history of the College. Any request or information about these materials may be directed to librarian Shelly Jablonski at 240-567-7174.

Access to most resources, including books, e-books, articles, and media, are found via the libraries’ search engine, RaptorSearch, and libraries’ website. Interlibrary Loan (ILL) service is available to provide resources the libraries do not own. The libraries also offer an Inter-Campus Loan (ICL) service to deliver resources from one campus library to another.

Those with a valid student identification card or a community borrower’s card may check out circulating materials for use outside of the libraries. Students registered for the current semester may use the libraries’ electronic resources, including e-books, e-journals, and electronic course reserves from outside the libraries, via the libraries’ website. Audio or video materials may be viewed online or at any library location and are available to faculty for classroom instruction.

For more information, please visit the Montgomery College Libraries website at, use our AskUsNow librarian chat service for 24/7 research help at, or call one of the campus locations:

Germantown, HS 110, 240-567-7858
Rockville, MT 107, 240-567-7117
Takoma Park/Silver Spring, RC 215, 240-567-1540
Cafritz Arts Center, CF 145, 240-567-5813

Military and Veteran Services

Montgomery College is a military- and veteran- friendly institution, recognizing and supporting the contributions that our students make outside the classroom as active duty service members, guardsmen, reservists, veterans, and dependents. To that end, the College assists the military community in reaching their educational goals by providing:

  • Flexible withdrawal procedures in the event of activation, deployment, or enlistment,
  • Waived residency requirements for active duty service members and dependents,
  • Flexible residency requirements for those affected by Base Realignment and Closures,
  • Veterans Benefits processing,
  • Tuition Assistance processing,
  • Tuition Waivers for Maryland National Guardsmen,
  • DoD Voluntary Education Partnership Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) signatory,
  • Support to the Education Offices at Walter Reed National Military Medical Center, and
  • Support services available through the Combat2College program (see below).


Combat2College is a nationally recognized program that offers opportunities and services to veterans and service members attending Montgomery College. Some of the program features include:

  • Academic opportunities and advising,
  • Wellness activities,
  • Clubs for student veterans and other social opportunities,
  • Space for gathering, and
  • Referral and coordination with external agencies/resources

For more information, visit

Veterans Affairs Office

The Veterans Affairs Office (VAO) was established to assist all students applying for Department of Veterans Affairs (DVA) educational benefits. To contact the office, e-mail Students eligible to receive benefits must submit a Certification Request for VA Benefits form, available at to the Office of Admissions and Records or to each semester after completing registration to have their enrollment certifications submitted to the DVA. Students receiving benefits must contact regarding any changes in enrollment. For more information, visit

Parking and Motor Vehicle Registration

Each person associated with the College who parks a vehicle on any campus of the College or any property owned, leased, maintained, or operated by the College must register the vehicle regardless of its ownership. Students, faculty, staff, and visitors must abide by College traffic regulations. The College reserves the right to issue a citation or to tow, at the owner’s risk and expense, any unregistered vehicle parked in violation. The Montgomery College Motor Vehicle Regulations and vehicle registration and parking information is available online at

Printing at MC

A kiosk style, pay-for-print system is in place at the College. Our kiosks currently use the WEPA cloud printing solution, and are located on each campus in the libraries, labs, and learning centers. To use these kiosks, you will need to create a WEPA account. The best way to pay for these copies is to pre-load your account with a minimum of $5 as funds to be drawn from for each print you request. Other payment options are also available. Visit the Printing at MC website for FAQs, tutorials, pricing, and other information: www.mont For other printing solutions, the Rockville Campus has a retail operation called MC Copies & More. Services include printing, desktop publishing, photocopying, scanning, poster printing, button making, binding, laminating, and more! MC Copies & More is located in Room 142 Campus Center across the hall from the Rockville Campus Store. For price guide and hours visit

Public Safety Services

Montgomery College is committed to providing a safe and secure environment at all times that will support and enhance the institution’s educational programs and services. The Office of Safety and Security is responsible for the protection of the College community, first aid, emergency assistance, 24-hour escort service (upon request), maintenance of automated external defibrillators (AEDs), enforcement of campus parking regulations, and the lost and found service. Officers on each campus are on duty 24 hours a day, seven days a week. In compliance with the Crime Awareness and Campus Security Act of 1990, the College’s campus security procedures are provided online in the Montgomery College Annual Security Report at www.montgomery or Click on the Annual Security Report.

Public Safety Office Locations
Germantown: Science and Applied Studies Building, Room 282; 240-567-7777 (recorded line)
Rockville: Counseling and Advising Building, Room 101; 240-567-5111 (recorded line)
Takoma Park/Silver Spring: Student Services Center, Room 117; 240-567-1600 (recorded line)


In the event of emergency situations involving Montgomery College directly-or if an emergency occurs at the local, regional, or national level that could impact the college community-Montgomery College’s safety and security personnel and other College officials utilize in-house emergency response plans and coordinate their response activities with local, county, state, and federal authorities, as appropriate. The College works directly in conjunction with Montgomery County’s Office of Emergency Management and Homeland Security, in the event of any local activation of the county’s Emergency Operations Center.

Additional information, including emergency evacuation area maps, is available at

Emergency Preparedness

In the event of emergency situations involving Montgomery College directly   or if an emergency occurs at the local, regional, or national level that could impact the college community   Montgomery College’s safety and security personnel and other College officials utilize in-house emergency response plans and coordinate their response activities with local, county, state, and federal authorities, as appropriate. The College works directly in conjunction with Montgomery County’s Office of Emergency Management and Homeland Security, in the event of any local activation of the county’s Emergency Operations Center.

Additional information, including emergency evacuation area maps, is available at

Student Employment Services

The purpose of Student Employment Services is to teach currently enrolled students and recent graduates the skills that they need to become successfully employed, to assist students in matching their career or job goals to employment openings (current or future) to ultimately obtain employment, and to successfully place students into cooperative education and internship experiences that are related to their majors. Employment services include:

  • individual assistance with résumé writing, cover letter preparation, interview skills, job readiness, and job search skills; job readiness workshops (résumé preparation, interviewing techniques, etc.);
  • job listings for full-time, part-time, and temporary employment opportunities;
  • internship information and referral;
  • employer on-campus recruitment, part-time job fairs, and annual career information job fairs;
  • online job search resources; and
  • résumé writing and federal employment application software programs.

A job opportunity coordinator is available in the career center on each campus to work with students on an individual basis. For more information, please e-mail or visit the website:

Student Life

The Student Life Office on each campus provides a place for students to take advantage of a variety of programs and opportunities to get involved in at the College. These opportunities are an integral part of the co-curricular experience and enhance the academic experience at the College. Programs provide students with skills and abilities in such areas as leadership, communication, program planning, budget and financial management, collaboration, social and civic engagement, and multicultural understanding. Programs and events may focus on student, college, campus, and community issues; examples of such issues are academic majors, honor societies, entrepreneurship, recreation and wellness, arts, service learning, and theatre and film.

The Student Life Office offers leadership training to give students the necessary skills to participate effectively in clubs and organizations. Students have the opportunity to run for student government offices, participate in planning and recommending allocation of budget expenditures, and contribute to the development of campus life. Available clubs and organizations vary by campus but generally include cultural, ethnic, religious, political, mentoring, tutorial, recreational, academic, and service clubs; other organizations include campus newspapers and the campus Student Senates. Suggestions for new groups and programs are always welcome.

The Student Life Offices are located in room 186 of the Sciences and Applied Studies Building at Germantown, room 005 of the Campus Center at Rockville and room 217 of the Student Services Center at Takoma Park/ Silver Spring.

Germantown: Science and Applied Studies Building, Room 112
Rockville: Campus Center, Room 005
Takoma Park/Silver Spring: Student Services Center, Room 217

New Student Orientation

The New Student Orientation Program is a beneficial program for all incoming first year students and is offered online or in-person. The three campuses offer several program formats before the beginning of fall and spring semesters. Specific information may be obtained from the Student Life Office websites for New Student Orientation: www.mont

The orientation program introduces students, parents, and family members to a variety of first-year experiences designed to facilitate the transition to college life and help students enjoy a successful year at Montgomery College. Faculty, staff, administrators, and students collaborate to provide workshops, open houses, tours, discussions, and social events to help new students and their families learn about services, college expectations, campus life, academic issues, parent/ family involvement, safety, and much more.

Support Centers

The College provides a number of centers at each campus that support student success. Services include tutoring, study skills development, access to information technology, books, models, audiovisuals and other media, and other success skills materials and support activities. There is no charge for use of these services. Students are encouraged to stop by any of the centers listed on the following page for information regarding hours and available services.

Germantown Campus

  • Math Accounting Physics Engineering Learning (MAPEL) Center, 229 HT
  • Science Learning Center, 244 BE
  • Digital Learning Center, 235 HT
  • Writing Center and Language Lab, Writing, Reading and Language Center, 150 HS

Rockville Campus

  • CA/CS Computer Tutoring, 320 HU
  • Career Center, 219 CB
  • ESL Tutoring, 20 MT
  • General Purpose Computer Labs, 312, 314 HU; 21A, 25/26 CS
  • The Judy E. Ackerman STEM Learning Center, 109 SW
  • Writing, Reading, and Language Center, 020MT/HU002

Takoma Park/Silver Spring Campus

  • Learning Skills Support Services, 325 HC
  • Math/Science Learning Center, 101 SN
  • Math Tutoring Center, 249 MP
  • Medical Learning Center, 221 HC
  • Social Sciences Computer Center, 110 CM
  • Student Technology Center, 304 ST
  • Writing, Reading, and Language Center, 105 RC


Montgomery College Television (MCTV) is a nationally award-winning educational television channel providing high-quality, thought provoking TV programming for students and community members of all ages. Montgomery College students can get involved by participating in practical hands-on engineering and television production internships, involving live TV studio, remote field shoots, state-of-the-art digital video and audio editing, and multimedia projects; or simply by being a part of the station’s community of viewers. Watch MCTV on cable in Montgomery County, The Education Channel featuring MCTV and MCPS-TV in HD on Comcast # 998 and RCN # 1058, and MCTV also airs 24/7 on channel # 10 on Comcast, RCN and Verizon. For more information about the College’s array of digital media services, visit


Current Montgomery College students can board the Ride On bus or MC Campus Shuttle at no additional cost. They must simply show the driver a College student identification card with a current semester sticker. Express routes may incur a fee. Ride On schedules, maps, and routes are available online at the Ride On and Transit Services page of the Montgomery County website: Additional information and the MC Shuttle schedule can be found at For details on how to obtain a valid MC student ID, visit For more information on transportation, visit

TRIO Programs

In 1965, Congress established a series of programs to help low-income Americans enter college, graduate, and move on to participate more fully in the country’s economic and social life. These programs are funded under Title IV of the Higher Education Act of 1965 and are referred to as the TRIO Programs.

Educational Opportunity Center

The Educational Opportunity Center (EOC) provides information and counseling on college admissions to qualified adults who want to enter or continue a program of postsecondary education. An important objective of EOC is to counsel participants on financial aid options and to assist in the application process. The goal of EOC is to increase the number of adult participants who enroll in postsecondary education institutions.

Students in the program are eligible to receive career counseling, college admission and financial aid counseling, application assistance, financial literacy advising, and, when necessary, referrals to English as a Second Language and GED instructional programs. Participation eligibility is based on the following categories: first-generation college student (neither parent has a bachelor’s degree), low-income student (based on taxable income and family size), and the desire to enroll in postsecondary education. In addition, students must be U.S. citizens or permanent residents or meet the residency requirements for federal financial assistance. The EOC office and satellite locations at community- based organizations, social services agencies, and other community resource programs make higher education information conveniently accessible to Montgomery County residents.

The EOC program is located in 150 CF on the Takoma Park/Silver Spring Campus. For more information, please call 240-567-5644 or visit the website

Student Support Services

Student Support Services TRiO is a federally funded grant program through the U.S. Department of Education serving Montgomery College students since Fall 2001. Our goal is to positively affect and increase the college’s retention, transfer, and graduation rates by providing and coordinating a variety of educational support services and activities for our first-generation college students, students who meet federal low-income guidelines, and/or students with disabilities. In this capacity, we facilitate the process of a student’s transition from one level of higher education to the next.

Participation in the program is limited to 175 Montgomery College students. To qualify for the program, a student must be:

  1. A U.S. citizen or permanent resident
  2. Currently enrolled at MC
  3. In need of academic support


Meet one of the following categories:

  • A first-generation college student (neither of the student’s parents has received a four-year degree in the U.S.). A low income individual based on federal guidelines.
  • An individual with a disability

Services provided

  1. Academic, career, and transfer advising
  2. Financial aid/literacy advising 
  3. English, reading, and mathematics tutoring
  4. Mentoring
  5. Workshops on academic skills, career exploration/planning, social services, and other topics

Student Support Services’ goal is achieved by providing

  • Staff who are invested in students’ academic success
  • Personalized attention for each individual situation
  • Assistance in learning to navigate the College system and identify resources
  • A learning community for personal and academic growth
  • Academic advising and monitoring
  • Resource information for career exploration and planning
  • Transfer assistance and advising
  • Financial aid application assistance
  • A sense of belonging and purpose

We believe in the value of each individual, and we enjoy the privilege of serving and witnessing student growth. We believe in students’ dreams and provide a nurturing and supportive environment for the realization and accomplishment of those dreams. Our goal is to empower students to make positive life choices, adapt to a changing world that requires new responsibilities and skills, and create and maintain supportive connections and communities.

Please e-mail or visit our website at for more information.