Montgomery College 2017-2018 Catalog 
    Mar 28, 2025  
Montgomery College 2017-2018 Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Special Programs

ACES - Achieving Collegiate Excellence and Success

The Achieving Collegiate Excellence and Success (ACES) Program is a collaboration among Montgomery County Public Schools (MCPS), Montgomery College (MC), and Universities at Shady Grove (USG). ACES serves targeted students in select Montgomery County Public High Schools (MCPS) with Montgomery College Academic Coaches. The academic coaches provide both academic and student support using a case management approach. They meet with students providing test preparation, tutoring, college visits, and assistance with college, financial aid and scholarship applications. The ACES Academic Coaches encourage student success by identifying and neutralizing barriers that may prevent an at-promise student from graduating with a bachelor’s degree. ACES students who choose to attend Montgomery College are assisted by an on- campus academic coach who provides academic support and guidance to help facilitate their degree completion and transfer to a four-year college or university. Students who choose to continue their education at the Universities at Shady Grove are provided with ongoing support to ensure bachelor’s degree completion.

For more information, visit the website:

ATPA - Achieving the Promise Academy

The Achieving the Promise Academy is a college-wide academic program that provides students with weekly one-on-one coaching and highly structured academic support. Each student develops and adheres to a personalized academic success plan each semester with an academic success coach. Program requirements include weekly coaching, workshops, academic, transfer, and career advising, targeted academic support, participation in a Learning Success Cohort Community, and faculty feedback to track and improve students’ academic progress and timely completion of their program of study. Students work with the same academic success coach from entry until graduation and/or transfer. Students benefit from continuous assessment of their academic progress and monitoring of their financial aid status and registration. They also have access to financial and other resources to help overcome any obstacles to their academic success and timely degree completion.

For more information, visit the website at

Arts Institute

The Arts Institute promotes, enhances, and supports the broad range of arts programs at the College, including graphic design, dance, film, fine arts, illustration, music, photography, and theatre. With support from the Montgomery College Foundation and the College’s donors, the Arts Institute brings distinguished guest artists and arts activities to all three campuses for the benefit of students, faculty, staff, and the community.

Through its Distinguished Guest Lecture Series, the Willpower! Festival, the World Arts Festival, Gateway to the Arts, Artist Residencies and other programs that bring visiting artists to the College, students are given exceptional opportunities to work with and learn from distinguished professionals and scholars.

The Arts Institute enables internships at museums and art organizations so that students can discover additional career options in the arts and blend learning in the classroom with on-the-job experience. The Arts Institute Study Abroad program has taken arts students to study in Italy, China, and Cuba.

Working with the arts faculty and staff, the Arts Institute also develops collaborative projects with area arts organizations to enhance College and community programs in the arts.

For more information on the Arts Institute, visit or e-mail

Cooperative Education & Internship Program

The Collegewide Cooperative Education (Co-op) & Internship Program is an academic course that places eligible students in full- or part-time jobs in their major. Students can earn up to three academic credits each semester (a maximum of six at the College) while participating in work experiences related to their major. Students can be paid by their employer or opt to work in volunteer positions. For both co-op and internship students, the program offers an opportunity to blend classroom learning with on-the-job experience.

To be eligible for co-op and internships, students must be enrolled at the College, must have completed 12 college credits (including two courses in the student’s major), and must have a minimum 2.0 grade point average. The Co-op & Internship Office is located on the Takoma Park/Silver Campus, but students from all campuses are encouraged to participate in the program. The director regularly visits the Germantown and Rockville campuses for orientation sessions and student meetings. For more information and applications, please call 240-567-1360 or visit the website:

Developmental Courses

Developmental courses are offered for students who need to strengthen their academic foundations in English, reading, and mathematics in order to be successful in college-level courses. Students may be required to enroll in one or more developmental courses, based on their academic records, the results of assessment testing, or individual needs.

Depending on the placement of the student and the number of developmental courses taken, a student may enroll in additional courses for credit, if the assessment level for each course has been met. See the course descriptions in this catalog for assessment levels associated with each course. Students may enroll in developmental courses on either a part-time or full-time basis and are strongly advised to begin their developmental courses in their first semester. All developmental coursework must be completed before a student earns 24 credit hours. See Assessment Testing (Appropriate Course Placement) in the Admissions and Registration section of this catalog for more information.

English as a Second Language
English Language for Academic Purposes (ELAP)

The English Language for Academic Purposes (ELAP) program offers courses designed to increase the English language proficiency of non-native speakers of English so that they can succeed in their college work. The program includes two courses that focus on Writing and Grammar (ELAW 970   and ELAW 980 ), two courses that focus on Reading (ELAR 970  and ELAR 980 ), two courses that focus on Oral/Aural skills (ELAS 970  and ELAS 980 ), and one capstone Integrated Skills course (ELAI 990 ). It also offers an advanced Speaking and Listening course (ELAS 990 ), which is optional. Students placed in this program must pass or test out of ELAI 990  in order to take many of the courses that count towards a degree at Montgomery College.

Following admission to the College, students are tested to determine their current level of English proficiency, as required by College regulations. Non-native speakers may test out of one or more sequences or the entire program if their scores are sufficiently high. If they test out entirely, they will be eligible for ENGL 101 /ENGL 101A  and will be able to enroll in transferable credit-level college courses. Students whose language test scores indicate that they are not ready for the College’s entry-level ELAP courses are referred to the Workforce Development & Continuing Education Division for classes in pre-academic English.

Students may enroll in the ELAP on a .fulltime or part-time basis on all three campuses. For assistance or additional information, contact the Office of the Dean of Student Services or the ELAP coordinator at the Germantown, Rockville, or Takoma Park/Silver Spring campus

Global Humanities Institute

The Global Humanities Institute is a global education project of Montgomery College, funded in part through a six-year “Bridging Cultures” challenge grant from the National Endowment for the Humanities.

The Association of American Colleges and Universities has identified global awareness and literacy as essential skills for the work and thinking our students will have to perform in the near future, thanks to the unprecedented interconnectedness of nations and cultures in the world today. The GHI answers this call by supporting the systematic integration of global perspectives and knowledge to humanities courses. We accomplish this through:

  • Faculty training to enable revision of existing courses and creation of new learning communities.
  • The creation of a new General Education course, “Introduction to Global Humanities,” offered on every campus. A faculty-created scholarship, ‘The Global Justice Fund,’ supports the study of global humanities for three students each year.
  • College-wide community engagement and public education events delivered in collaboration. • With other programs within and entities beyond the College.
  • Support of faculty summer research projects.
  • Scholarly exchanges, webinar conferences, virtual expert speakers, sabbatical leave options, and grant-funded travel to our university partners in China, India, and El Salvador.
  • The GHI supports interdisciplinary work among STEM and Humanities faculty and students through an annual STEAM event that examines teaching an issue of global concern, such as food and water.
  • We bring the world into our classrooms through our Global Classrooms program that enables direct experiential learning through the virtual combination of classes at MC and at our international academic partners.

The GHI supports the global education efforts of other institutions through informal and formal mentorship, by sharing our work, resources and products through presentations at academic conferences, publication, and our comprehensive website, Join us as we work to meet the imperative goal of preparing students for a global future.

Gudelsky Institute for Technical Education

To meet the technical education and training needs of the workforce and the community, the Homer S. Gudelsky Institute for Technical Education (GITE) provides instructional programs in four primary areas: automotive technology; building and construction technology; electronic publishing; and workforce technologies, which includes computer repair, welding, lock-smithing, and machining. GITE offers both credit and noncredit courses taught via classroom and lab training, onsite or off-site customized contract training, apprenticeship training, and long or short-term training. For more information, please visit the website:

Health Sciences Institute

The Health Sciences Institute was designed to meet the needs of health care providers in the metropolitan Washington area. It offers both noncredit and credit courses and programs of study in various health care careers. These courses and programs will provide individuals with workforce skills, certification in specific disciplines, and associate’s degrees in an array of health sciences. Customized courses and programs, training courses, seminars, and specialty workshops are available. Experienced faculty, from the College or from the local community of health care providers, participate to develop the workforce for the health care community. For more information, visit the website:

Hillman Entrepreneurs Program

The Hillman Entrepreneurs Program is a scholarship and educational program that supports, develops, and graduates ethical leaders who want to energize and give back to their local communities. The Hillman Program is open to all transferable majors starting at Montgomery College and finishing at the University of Maryland, College Park. Students receive a scholarship covering 66% of tuition plus books, mentoring, internships, and 3-credit courses that culminate in a minor in technology entrepreneurship at the University of Maryland and also participate in a strong cohort experience with other aspiring entrepreneurs.

Minimum requirements to apply include a base GPA of 2.5 or higher, completion of one transferable math course, and a total of 30 transferable credits by the enrollment date. Applicants must be pursuing their first bachelor’s degree that is available at the University of Maryland, College Park. Finally, they must be 1) Maryland residents and 2) U.S. citizens, students with permanent resident status, or students covered by the DREAM Act. To apply, students complete an online application form and submit one letter of recommendation. Selected students are then invited to an interview to determine their suitability for the program. A total of 30 students are accepted each year into this program. Applications are due May 1 for the following fall semester.

More information about this program and the application form can be found at

Honors Programs

Collegewide Honors Program

The College is committed to providing high-ability, motivated students with stimulating and challenging opportunities both inside and outside the classroom. Honors course offerings are varied and differ on each campus based on faculty interests and the number of students participating in the program. Honors offerings are listed in the class schedule by academic department and in the campus Honors Program section. Honors classes, indicated with an HC suffix, are honors sections of standard classes. Honors modules, indicated with an HM suffix, allow students to have an enriched honors experience while taking a standard class.

The Honors Program is collegewide and designed for the high-achieving student. The program requires that participating students complete a minimum of 15 honors credits distributed among at least three different disciplines (such as the arts, humanities, social sciences, and sciences) in a minimum of two semesters. In order to receive the Honors Program designation on their transcripts, students must maintain a minimum 3.2 grade point average (GPA) until they either graduate from the College or transfer to another institution.

Honors Program students receive special advising opportunities, including information about scholarships and transfer counseling. They can also participate in activities set up for honors students such as clubs, honors conferences, lectures and other events. A limited number of Honors Internships are available. These have a competitive application and may require GPA above the Honors Program minimum of 3.2.

Applicants must meet one of the following entry requirements: (1) SAT scores of 600 on each section and a minimum high school GPA of 3.5 on a 4.0 scale (unweighted), (2) eligibility for ENGL 102  as determined by the Montgomery College placement process and a minimum high school GPA of 3.5 on a 4.0 scale (unweighted), (3) completion of a minimum of 12 credits in transfer-level classes at Montgomery College with a minimum 3.2 GPA, including a grade of A or B in ENGL 101  or ENGL 101A .

Admission to the Honors Program requires a separate application process. Applications are available online at and through the Admissions and Records Office and the honors coordinators at each campus. For more information, contact Dr. Lucy Laufe, Collegewide Honors Director and Chair, at; Dr. Christina Devlin, Germantown Campus Honors Coordinator at; or Professor Effie Siegel, Rockville Campus Honors Coordinator at

Students who do not enroll in the Honors Program, but wish to take honors classes, must have a minimum 3.2 GPA and must have completed at least 12 credit hours of college-level coursework, including ENGL 101  or ENGL 101A  with a grade of A or B. Exceptions to these requirements may be made on a case-by-case basis by the campus honors coordinator. Recent high school graduates may be admitted to honors courses based on evaluation of high school grade reports.

Students who have completed 12 credit hours of honors work by the end of the fall semester in at least two different disciplines, and who have maintained a 3.4 GPA or better, are eligible to be recognized as honors scholars at campus academic awards ceremonies in the spring semester. For more information about the Honors Scholars award, contact the campus honors coordinators.

Macklin Business Institute Scholars Program

The Gordon and Marilyn Macklin Business Institute Scholars Program is a competitive college-wide program offering business students an opportunity to participate in experiential learning initiatives, weekly seminars, and to pursue honors coursework in accounting, business administration, and economics. Students admitted to the midyear program or two-year program are offered a scholarship benefit that covers the in-county full-time cost of tuition and fees (up to 30 credit hours at the in-county rate per academic year, or 15 per semester).

To apply for the two-year program, students must be enrolled in their final year of high school and be on schedule to completed high school graduation requirements by the end of June, or must be returning Montgomery College students who will have fewer than 12 credits. MBI students are chosen on the basis of high school records, SAT scores, recommendations, essays, and interviews. The application process for the two-year program begins each year in September, with applications due in early January. Students are notified of their acceptance in March.

To apply for the mid-year program, students should be in the equivalent of their first semester (12 to 24 transferable credits) and be following an AA in Business degree program in preparation for transfer to a four-year institution to complete a bachelor’s degree. The application period for the mid-year program begins each year in October, with applications due in early December. Students are notified in early January of their acceptance for the spring semester.

Students are required to maintain 12 or more credits per semester during their participation in the program. For more information, please e-mail, or visit the website at

Montgomery Scholars Program

The Montgomery Scholars Program, which opened on the Rockville Campus in fall 1999, is a selective-admissions program designed for high school graduates who plan to transfer to a four-year institution at the end of two years. Scholars are chosen on the basis of high school records, SAT scores, intellectual interests, extracurricular activities, recommendations, essays, and other indicators of academic excellence.

Montgomery Scholars participate in an academically rigorous curriculum of honors courses, including team-taught, interdisciplinary classes especially designed for the program. During the summer between their freshman and sophomore years, students have the opportunity to participate in a summer study travel experience. The capstone experience of the program is an honors colloquium. Students study and research an important issue related to their major and area of academic interest and present their research in a public colloquium. The Montgomery Scholars Program emphasizes the importance of expert counseling in helping students to plan their course of study and prepare their portfolios for transfer.

First Year:
ENGL 202 HA & HB - Introduction to World Literature II (3)
HIST 117 HA & HB - World History: A Comparative Survey from A.D.1500 to the Present (3)
MUSC 117 HA & HB - World Music (3)
ENGL 102 HC - Critical Reading, Writing, and Research (3)
ANTH 201 HC - Introduction to Sociocultural Anthropology (3)

Second Year:
COMM 108 HC - Foundations of Human Communication (3)
HONR 280 HA & HB - Capstone: Research in Disciplines (3)
POLI 203 HA & HB - HC International Relations (3)

For more information, contact Dr. Mary Furgol at or visit the website

Renaissance Scholars Honors Program at Germantown and Takoma Park/Silver Spring

The Renaissance Scholars Program is designed to accommodate the needs of both part-time and full-time high-achieving students interested in a challenging curriculum while they acquire courses needed for their associate’s degree and beyond. The core of the program consists of team-taught, interdisciplinary pairs of courses that are offered in the late afternoons, evenings, and on weekends.

In addition to stimulating coursework, students have the opportunity to participate in numerous social, cultural, and academic experiences outside of the classroom that help foster a learning community and enrich the students’ educational experiences. Students in this honors program receive scholarship support, special advising, and the opportunity to receive College credit for a study/travel
experience during the summer. Admission to this honors program is selective and requires a separate application process. Students are selected on the basis of a portfolio that includes an essay, a personal or professional résumé, and letters of recommendation.

For more information, contact Professor Joan Naake at the Germantown Campus at, or Dr. Carole Wolin at the Takoma Park/Silver Spring Campus at, or visit the website

Information Technology Institute

In response to the need for skilled information technology workers, the College established the Information Technology Institute (ITI). ITI offers technology courses at all three College campuses as well as at off-campus centers in Gaithersburg and Wheaton. ITI also provides customized training at business sites throughout the region.

ITI is designed to prepare new workers and retrain existing workers to fill positions in Montgomery County’s high-technology market. Noncredit courses are available to meet a wide range of student needs and career goals. Courses are taught by knowledgeable practitioners in the field who bring their on-the-job expertise to the classroom.

The College is a member of the Microsoft IT Academy, through which ITI offers courses in the Microsoft Official Curriculum. The College is also a member of the Oracle Academic Initiative, the Oracle Workforce Development Program, and the Cisco Systems Networking Academy. Courses in these programs offer students the opportunity to prepare for industry certification examinations.

For more information on ITI, please e-mail, or visit the website at

Study Abroad and International Education Program

The Study Abroad (STBR) and International Education Program (IEP) has been developed to bring a greater awareness of world cultures and global perspectives, as well as to augment academics and workforce development to the student body, college employees, and the community through study abroad, professional development, and service learning activities. These approaches cover three interrelated areas: culture, curriculum, and programs.

Culture: The international richness of Montgomery College’s enrollment enhances students understanding and appreciation of one another through daily contact. STBR and IEP further enrich the College and community population through special programs that include exhibitions, student scholars’ presentations, performances, lectures, films, discussions, and college employee professional development presentations.

Curriculum: The international studies concentration of the liberal arts and sciences curriculum was developed by the College’s faculty to allow students to explore careers in the Sciences, Technology, Engineering and Math (STEM), foreign service and international business, to name a few areas. In addition, many courses have an international focus that reflects the College’s emphasis on global issues. A study abroad component also accompanies various course offerings. Faculty who incorporate study abroad in existing courses are compensated for the additional component.   

Programs: STBR and IEP offer long- and short-term study abroad opportunities. Students may select from a consortium of institutions in more than 26 countries to study abroad for a semester, a summer, or a year. These accredited academic institutions provide programs, courses, and room and board for students. To participate, students must have a 2.5 grade point average and at least 12 college-level credits. A semester of advance planning through the Office of Study Abroad and International Education is required before going abroad. In addition, to enhance student knowledge of the world, faculty members offer short-term study abroad related to the study areas of selected credit courses. Study groups have gone to Russia, China, England, Greece, Turkey, Jordan, Egypt, Morocco, Mexico, Thailand, Vietnam, Senegal, Peru, India, Cuba, and Iceland, to name a few locations. Typically, two destinations are offered each academic year, and yearly brochures highlight courses with a study abroad component. Students who do not wish to take a 15-week credit course but who want to participate in the travel experience may do so through pre-departure classes in partnership with Workforce Development.

For more information, visit or contact Dr. Gregory Malveaux, coordinator, Study Abroad, at

Internships - See Cooperative Education & Internship Program

Information about internship opportunities is also available from Student Employment Services, the Career/Transfer Centers, academic departments, counselors, and advisers.

MC/MCPS/USG Partnerships

Montgomery County Public Schools

There are currently 31 academic initiatives in the MC and MCPS partnership designed to help prepare students for a smooth transition to postsecondary education. The Office of Concurrent Enrollment was created to better serve the full spectrum of student needs.

For more information, visit the website:

Dual Enrollment

Dual Enrollment is an Academic Initiative offered to advanced high school students admitted to Montgomery College (MC). Select students are enrolled in college credit courses while still attending high school, providing an educational experience beyond what is available at the secondary level. High school juniors and seniors who meet the College’s dual enrollment criteria may enhance their schedule with college course work and experience the independence of college-level study while also earning college credit. Financial incentives are available for qualifying students. For more information on the program visit

Middle College Program

The Middle College Program (MC2) is a Montgomery College (MC) and Montgomery County Public Schools (MCPS) partnership program that provides high school students with the opportunity to earn credits toward an associate degree from MC, while simultaneously earning a high school diploma. Students are able to expand their course selections beyond the high school curriculum by taking college courses. Students who complete the program will earn an associate degree from MC. For some students, this may be the final step in their education, but for many, it will serve as a stepping stone to continue on to a four-year college degree, a full two years earlier than is traditional.

Career Programs of Study

Career Programs of Study are pre-college academic programs that focus on specific career pathways. Students in select programs who earn at least a “B” in college-level coursework at their high schools may earn college credits when they enroll at Montgomery College in a related program of study. This gives students a head start on college, and saves money because the credits earned in high school are free; there is no tuition charged, no book or lab costs, and no registration fees. Students in this program also gain hands-on skills that will allow them to make informed decisions about college majors and career choices. The following programs are available:

MCPS Program MC Program
Accounting/Finance Accounting/Business
Automotive Technology/Automotive Dealership Automotive Technology
Building Trades Building Trades Technology
Business Administration Computer Applications
Computer Programming Computer Science
Computer Science/and Technologies/Information Technology/Multimedia and Interactive Technologies Computer Science/Information Systems/Computer/Programming/Gaming/Web Development
Construction Management Architecture and Construction Technology
Early Child Development Early Childhood Education Technology
Justice, Law, and Society Paralegal Studies
Network Operations/Computer Maintenance Network and Wireless Technologies
Professional Restaurant Management Hospitality Management

At Montgomery College, the career programs of study are facilitated through the Office of the Senior Vice President for Academic Affairs. For more information, visit

Universities at Shady Grove

A unique partnership with USG allows College students to earn bachelor’s degrees from University System of Maryland four-year institutions offering programs in Montgomery County. Students should complete an associate’s degree at the College and then complete the final two years of study of a bachelor’s degree at USG, conveniently located in Rockville.

The following institutions are currently involved in this partnership: Bowie State University (graduate level only); Salisbury University; Towson University; University of Baltimore; University of Maryland, Baltimore; UMBC; University of Maryland, College Park; University of Maryland, Eastern Shore; and University of Maryland University College.

Institutions in this partnership offer courses at USG that can be applied toward undergraduate degrees in the following areas:

  • accounting,
  • biological sciences,
  • biotechnology,
  • business,
  • communication studies,
  • computer and information science,
  • computer networks and security,
  • construction management technology,
  • criminology and criminal justice,
  • cybersecurity,
  • digital media and web technology,
  • education,
  • exercise science,
  • health systems management
  • history,
  • hotel and restaurant management,
  • human resources,
  • investigative forensics,
  • information systems management,
  • laboratory management,
  • management with a specialization in entrepreneurship,
  • marketing,
  • nursing,
  • political science,
  • psychology,
  • public health science,
  • public safety administration,
  • simulation and digital entertainment, and
  • social work.

Additional programs will be added in future semesters. Please consult USG’s website ( for more information. The student’s diploma will be from the specific institution offering the degree program.

USG also offers graduate-level programs in a variety of areas, including biotechnology, business administration, cybersecurity, information technology, education, engineering, health care administration, industrial organizational psychology, management, nursing pharmacy, public administration, publications design, social work, and technology management. A variety of certificate programs are also available.

Due to the nature of the specialized programs and courses, students interested in transferring to USG must carefully plan their academic program at the College. For more information about degree programs and admission, contact an MC advisor; call USG at 301-738-6023; or visit

Montgomery County Collaboration Board

The MC Board of Trustees and the Montgomery County Board of Education seek the advice and counsel of residents of the community, employers, and educational representatives through the establishment of cluster advisory committees. Operating under the Montgomery County Collaboration Board (MCCB), these advisory committee members serve to advise, counsel, and assist in the planning, development, and evaluation of the MCPS and MC systems’ efforts in creating and maintaining a well-prepared, educated, and adaptable workforce to meet the current and future needs of employers through articulated programs in Montgomery County. The MCCB serves as a forum for critical stakeholders to engage in dialogue on the ways and means of providing cutting-edge education and training programs to the county’s secondary and postsecondary students.

While the MCCB is advisory in nature and is not charged with administrative, policy-making, or legislative responsibility, the members’ recommendations influence actions in providing rigorous and realistic preparation for students. The operations of the MCCB are divided among 11 Career Cluster Advisory Boards, each with its own workforce specialization.

Cluster Advisory Board specializations include the following areas:

  • Arts, Humanities, Media, and Communication
  • Biosciences, Health, and Medicine
  • Business Management and Finance
  • Construction and Development
  • Education, Training, and Child Studies
  • Engineering, Research, and Manufacturing
  • Environmental, Agricultural, and National Resources
  • Human and Consumer Services, Hospitality, and Tourism
  • Information Technologies
  • Law, Government, Public Safety, and Administration
  • Transportation, Distribution, and Logistics

The regular voting members of the overarching MCCB consist of an MCCB president, 11 Career Cluster Advisory Board presidents, and a student representative from both MCPS and MC.

At Montgomery College, the MCCB is facilitated through the Office of the Senior Vice President for Academic Affairs.

Paul Peck Humanities Institute

The Paul Peck Humanities Institute enriches the learning and teaching experiences of Montgomery College students and faculty, from all disciplines, through the humanities. The Institute reaches students in three ways: by offering humanities events that enable students on all three campuses to interact with speakers engaged in a wide variety of topics; by generating the Smithsonian Faculty Fellowship program, in support of Montgomery College faculty who utilize the Smithsonian as a teaching resource; and by providing internship programs that diversify the learning opportunities of high-achieving students. The Paul Peck Humanities Institute generates various additional programs and collaborations designed to enrich the experience of learners at Montgomery College and in our wider communities. For more information, please visit the website www.montgomery, or contact

PPHI Humanities Internships - The Smithsonian Institution, Library of Congress, and United States Holocaust Memorial Museum Internship Programs: HONR 275PA, HONR 275PB, and HONR 275PG

The Smithsonian Institution, Library of Congress, and the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum Internship Programs provide unique opportunities for Montgomery College students to experience the professional environment of world-class museum and library research activities. Samples of activities an intern may participate in include: assisting with new or ongoing research programs, performing collection analysis and organization, digitizing documents, abstracting and archiving academic materials, and planning new educational programs. Eligible students have completed 15 credit hours of coursework at Montgomery College, have earned a 3.4 overall grade point average, and will have completed ENGL 102  or ENGL 103  with grades of B or better prior to applying for the internship. Interested students should prepare themselves for this opportunity by taking General Education courses and earning high grades.

Students serve 240 hours at the internship site (typically 16 hours/week during fall or spring, and 20 hours per week during summer I and II). Students receive a scholarship of $1250 to cover the cost of the HONR275 course.

Potomac Review Internships HONR 275PF

Internships with the Potomac Review offer Montgomery College students the opportunity to be involved in all facets of magazine production, including decision making about layout, design, and the selection of submissions. Interns participate in local writing conferences and community events. Eligible Montgomery College students have completed one of the following creative writing courses with a grade of B or better:  ENGL 264 , ENGL 265 , ENGL 272 , ENGL 273 , and HONR 251 CJ (Writing Your Novel). Other courses may be considered for eligibility.

Internship awards cover the cost of three in-county credit hours and are awarded pending available funding.

For more information, please visit, or contact Professor John Wang at

Phi Theta Kappa International Honor Society

Phi Theta Kappa is the international honor society for students at community colleges. The Beta Kappa Omega (Germantown), Beta Lambda Alpha (Rockville), and Kappa Omega (Takoma Park/Silver Spring) chapters were chartered at the College in 1960. To be considered for invitation to Phi Theta Kappa, a student must have a cumulative grade point average of at least 3.5 for at least 15 credit hours of college-level coursework (excluding AELP/ELAP courses) at the College. A cumulative grade point average of 3.4 is required to maintain membership. Invitation to Phi Theta Kappa represents one of the highest honors that can be bestowed on a student at the College.

For more information, please contact Michelle Prendergast ( or Lucy Laufe ( at the Germantown Campus, Sue Adler ( or Brian Baick ( at the Rockville Campus, and Satarupa Das ( at the Takoma Park/ Silver Spring Campus.

School of Art + Design at Montgomery College

The School of Art + Design (SA+D) at Montgomery College provides students a portfolio-intensive, art school experience designed to prepare them for transfer to premier art colleges. This studio-intensive program is located at the Takoma Park/Silver Spring Campus in The Morris and Gwendolyn Cafritz Foundation Arts Center.

In the SA+D program, students can earn an associate of fine arts degree (AFA) with major concentrations in either studio art  or graphic design . The AFA degree is designed as the first half of a four-year bachelor of fine arts (BFA) degree. Two-thirds of the required coursework is in studio art or graphic design and one-third is in general education courses. Coursework is designed to facilitate transfer to baccalaureate institutions and the application process for scholarships at those same institutions.

Prospective students must submit a portfolio of previous artwork, an SA+D application, official transcripts (high school or college) that reflect a 2.3 or better grade point average, and a letter of recommendation. Students must be accepted into the SA+D program prior to course registration. All students in SA+D are assigned a faculty mentor. Faculty mentors work individually with students to prepare them for the two required comprehensive portfolio reviews and the SA+D graduating student exhibition.

The studio-intensive curriculum, with a comprehensive program of co-curricular activities, continues the artists’ community environment that has been a tradition for over 50 years. For more information, e-mail or visit the website:

Continuing Education/Workforce Development Program

The SA+D Continuing Education/Workforce Development Program provides quality noncredit courses in fine arts and visual communications for youth and adults in studio art, photography, and graphic design for print and web. The program provides opportunities for portfolio building, lifelong learning, personal enrichment, and professional skill development. Highly qualified instructors, well-equipped facilities, small class sizes, and convenient course schedules provide a creative, supportive environment for students at all levels.

SA+D is committed to collaborating with other community organizations and educational centers to provide learning venues outside the College campuses to meet art education and training needs throughout Montgomery County. For more information, e-mail or visit the website:

SA+D Pre-College Portfolio Institute

Throughout the year, SA+D provides precollege portfolio development courses, including an intensive summer Pre-College Portfolio Institute. These programs are offered to high school juniors and seniors (sophomores accepted on a space-available basis) and adults to build artistic skills and develop a well-rounded portfolio for potential college admission and scholarship reviews. For more information, e-mail or visit the website:

Women’s and Gender Studies Program


The Women’s and Gender Studies Program (WGSP) offers courses about women and gender for all students. The program is designed to explore the experiences and cultural contributions of women and those in the lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender (LGBT) community as well as examine the societal implications of gender. Informed by feminist, gender, and sexuality theory, the courses in the WGSP challenge false assumptions and theories about women, gender, sexuality, race, and class; encourage rigorous critical thinking; raise issues of gender bias and the subjective nature of knowledge; support students’ development as individuals and as participating members of their larger communities; and expand options for all beyond traditional gender roles. These writing-intensive courses help students consider the differences gender and sexuality make-in family relationships, friendships, education, and work. These classes are comfortable settings for delving into scholarship and theory.

In addition to the interdisciplinary introductory courses on women’s, gender, and LGBT studies, courses in the program include women’s history, philosophy, literature, sociology, psychology, physical education, and health. Honors modules are available for some classes. Opportunities to pursue independent study projects are also available. Service learning and Honors internships opportunities are frequently offered. Most courses fulfill General Education requirements in the humanities or behavioral and social sciences distribution areas as well as the College’s multicultural requirement.

A certificate in women’s studies can be earned by students who complete 18 or more credits in courses approved by the WGSP. These courses must include WMST 101 , Introduction to Women’s Studies. The WGSP also features speakers, seminars, and other programs, including active women’s studies student clubs. Student awards and scholarships are presented annually.

For more information at the Germantown Campus, please visit the office at 186 Humanities and Social Sciences Building; for more information at the Takoma Park/Silver Spring Campus, please visit the office at 227 North Pavilion. The collegewide office, located in 212 Macklin Tower, Rockville Campus, provides academic advising and materials and information on upcoming events.