Jan 14, 2025
EDUC 256 - Principles of Educational Assessment This course is an introduction to tests and measurement in an educational setting. Students develop, use, and interpret classroom assessments, including tests, performance assessments, rating scales, portfolios, and observations. Basic standard setting, grading, testing ethics, locating and evaluating measurements, program evaluation, and classroom research are also presented. This course meets the Maryland State Department of Education (MSDE) Assessment for Students requirement for an initial certificate in Early Childhood Education, Elementary Education, and Secondary Education. This course also meets the MSDE Assessment, Diagnosis, and Prescriptive Techniques required for the initial certificate in Generic Special Education (Infant/ Primary), Generic Special Education (Elementary/Middle), and Generic Special Education (Secondary/ Adult). Assessment Level(s): ENGL 101 /ENGL 011 , READ 120 . Three hours each week. Formerly ED 206.
3 semester hours
Course Outcomes: Upon course completion, a student will be able to:
- Define and explain the relationship among teaching, assessment, testing, measurement and evaluation.
- Identify the common purposes of assessment and uses of assessment data.
- Identify goals and learning targets of instruction and relate testing domains to instruction and curriculum.
- Explain the concepts of reliability and validity and the relationship/application to educational assessment.
- Discuss current research findings relative to the assessment of learning.
- Discuss contemporary trends, issues and laws relative to the assessment of instruction, including NCLB and IDEA.
- Identify specific techniques and tools appropriate for the assessment of learning.
- Develop constructed and selected response test items and performance assessments.
- Compare and contrast common assessment tools, including teacher-made tests, commercial materials and standardized tests.
- Identify factors that may influence assessment results, including factors related to the examiner, the examinee, and the specific assessment tool.
- Explain the role and importance of diversity, both ethnic and ability-based, in assessment of learning.
- Identify ethical responsibilities in the collection and use of assessment data.
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