Montgomery College 2022-2023 Catalog 
    Feb 14, 2025  
Montgomery College 2022-2023 Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

General Education Program

In order to meet General Education requirements, courses must be on the General Education course list when taken by the student. 

Number of Credits Required
Foundation AA/AAT AAS AFA AS
  • English
3 3 3 3
  • Mathematics
3 3 3 3
Distribution AA/AAT AAS AFA AS
  • Arts
3 0 3 3
  • Humanities
3 0
Note: One 3-credit Arts or Humanities Gen Ed course
3 3
  • Behavioral and Social Sciences
6* 3 3 6*
  • Natural Sciences
7** 4** 4** 8**
Institutional Requirement (GEIR) AA/AAT AAS AFA AS

Two GEIR courses required. Students select one course from two of the following categories:

  • Any COMM General Education course
  • Any HLTH General Education course ‡
  • Any ARTD or HUMD General Education course
6 0 0 0
General Education Elective (GEEL)*** AA/AAT AAS AFA AS
  • Choose additional General Education courses from any category
0 4-6 3 3
Total Credits 31-33 20-22 22 29-31

In all AA and AS curricula, students are required to select at least one course with a global and cultural perspectives designation.

* Behavioral and social sciences distribution (BSSD) courses must come from different disciplines.

** At least one lab science course must be taken to fulfill the natural sciences requirement.

*** Major programs may recommend or require specific General Education electives for their respective degree requirements. In the AS degrees, students must have 8 credits of natural sciences through a combination of NSLD, NSND, and GEEL, with at least 1 course as a lab science.

‡ Find HLTH in BSSD and GEIR sections.

‡‡ MATH 130 is required for the associate of arts in teaching (AAT). Many transfer institutions will not accept MATH 130 as a general education math course if an AAT is not completed.

[GCP] Courses designated with a GCP after the name fulfill the General Education global and cultural perspectives requirement.

Foundation & Distribution Courses

Arts Distribution (ARTD/GEIR)

Humanities Distribution (HUMD/GEIR)

Behavioral & Social Sciences Distribution (BSSD)

Natural Sciences Distribution with Lab (NSLD)