(R): 307
The ASE-NATEF Master Certified curriculum prepares students for employment in the automotive service industry as a repair technician. The curriculum also prepares students for seven ASE automobile technician certification exams: ASE A-1, A-4, A-5, A-6, A-8, G-1, and L-1. Students are exposed to the following areas of expertise: undercar (brakes, suspension, steering, and alignment), electrical (engine and chassis/body), engineer performance (computer controlled fuel injection, ignition, and emission control systems), engine repair and HVAC (heating, ventilation, and air conditioning). All automotive (AUTO) classes consist of a lecture section and a lab (shop) section. Some AUTO classes also include a lab discussion section. Successful completion of the AAS, in addition to AUTO 130 and AUTO 220 , will lead to: the powertrain specialist certificate, the undercar specialist certificate, the engine performance specialist certificate, and it also prepares students for all ASE automobile technician certification exams. This combination is designed for individuals seeking ASE Master Automobile Technician status.