Montgomery College 2024-2025 Catalog 
    Mar 28, 2025  
Montgomery College 2024-2025 Catalog

General Education Program

In order to meet General Education requirements, courses must be on the General Education course list when taken by the student. 

Number of Credits Required
Foundation AA/AAT AAS AFA AS
  • English
3 3 3 3
  • Mathematics
3 3 3 3
Distribution AA/AAT AAS AFA AS
  • Arts
3 0 3 3
  • Humanities
3 0
Note: One 3-credit Arts or Humanities Gen Ed course
3 3
  • Behavioral and Social Sciences
6* 3 3 6*
  • Natural Sciences
7** 4** 4** 8**
Institutional Requirement (GEIR) AA/AAT AAS AFA AS

Two GEIR courses required. Students select one course from two of the following categories:

  • Any COMM General Education course
  • Any HLTH General Education course ‡
  • Any ARTD or HUMD General Education course
6 0 0 0
General Education Elective (GEEL)*** AA/AAT AAS AFA AS
  • Choose additional General Education courses from any category
0 4-6 3 3
Total Credits 31-33 20-22 22 29-31

In all AA and AS curricula, students are required to select at least one course with a global and cultural perspectives designation.

* Behavioral and social sciences distribution (BSSD) courses must come from different disciplines.

** At least one lab science course must be taken to fulfill the natural sciences requirement.

*** Major programs may recommend or require specific General Education electives for their respective degree requirements. In the AS degrees, students must have 8 credits of natural sciences through a combination of NSLD, NSND, and GEEL, with at least 1 course as a lab science.

‡ Find HLTH in BSSD and GEIR sections.

‡‡ MATH 130 is required for the associate of arts in teaching (AAT). Many transfer institutions will not accept MATH 130 as a general education math course if an AAT is not completed.

[GCP] Courses designated with a GCP after the name fulfill the General Education global and cultural perspectives requirement.

Foundation & Distribution Courses

Arts Distribution (ARTD/GEIR)

Humanities Distribution (HUMD/GEIR)

Behavioral & Social Sciences Distribution (BSSD)

Natural Sciences Distribution with Lab (NSLD)

Natural Sciences Distribution without Lab (NSND)