Mar 14, 2025
CMSC 220 - Client-Server Programming with Java Examines major topics in the development of applications for the World Wide Web: website development using HTML and related standards, implementation of client-side applications using Java programming language, and design of server-side web applications. PREREQUISITE(S): CMSC 201 or consent of department. Three hours each week.
3 semester hours
Course Outcomes: Upon completion of this course, a student will be able to:
- Develop simple Web sites using HTML and related standards.
- Implement client-side applications using the Java programming language, including user interface development, asynchronous event handling, multi-threaded programming, and network programming.
- Design server-side web applications.
- Develop server-side web applications using Web protocol (HTTP), client-side interfaces (e.g., via HTML forms), and the server-side technology (e.g., via Java Servlet and JavaServer Pages).
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