Mar 13, 2025
MUSC 245 - Advanced Applied Music (R only)
Continued individual instruction, for music majors, in any applied instrument or voice. Extensive repertoire study and performance. Students must appear in recital as part of degree requirement. PREREQUISITE(S): Consent of department and MUSC 216 . By audition placement or by sequence. One hour lesson and 21 hours practice each week.
2 semester hours
Letter Symbols for Music Courses
Course Outcomes: Upon completion of this course, a student will be able to:
- Demonstrate further technical proficiency as a 3rd year student on a given instrument or voice.
- Present and perform a comprehensive set of pieces for an instrument or voice.
- Efficiently execute the appropriate scales, arpeggios, etudes, and studies.
- Successfully present a set of pieces for the transfer audition.
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