Mar 12, 2025
SOCY 233 - Race and Ethnic Relations An analysis patterns of intergroup relations in contemporary society. Theories and concepts of racial/ethnic hierarchies, the intersection of race/ethnicity with class and gender, and the place of race/ethnicity in the global systems of stratification are critically considered. PREREQUISITE(S): ANTH 201 , SOCY 100 or consent of department. Three hours each week.
3 semester hours
Course Outcomes: Upon completion of this course, a student will be able to:
- Apply a sociological foundation for understanding minority-majority relations.
- Critically and analytically examine the social construction, definitions, and functions of race and ethnicity in social institutions.
- Critically demonstrate an understanding of relevant sociological theories and data regarding racial and ethnic relations nationally and globally.
- Describe the major concepts on race and ethnic relations such as prejudice, discrimination, segregation, assimilation, etc.
- Distinguish between race and ethnicity.
- Evaluate their socially and culturally diverse world and recognize how various groups fit in to it.
- Identify and describe social conditions that have given rise to the present situations of different racial and ethnic groups today.
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