SONO 248 - Adult Echocardiography II (TP/SS only)
Case study reviews of normal anatomy, physiology, and pathological conditions of the adult heart. PREREQUISITE(S): SONO 245 or consent of program coordinator. COREQUISITE(S): SONO 264 or consent of program coordinator. Two hours lecture, two hours laboratory each week.
3 semester hours
Course Outcomes: Upon completion of this course, a student will be able to:
- Recognize and identify the sonographic appearance of:
• Dilated Cardiomyopathy
• Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy
• Diseases of the Aorta
• Valvular Stenosis
• Valvular Regurigation
• Ventricular and Atrial Masses
- Recognize, identify, and appropriately document the abnormal sonographic and Doppler appearance of disease processes, pathology, and pathophysiology of the anatomy of prosthetic valves and congenital anomalies.
- Perform scanning protocols using Stress Echocardiography.
- Identify abnormal findings and differential diagnosis such as:
• Hypokinesis
• Akinesis
• Dyskinesis
- Recognize and identify Echocardiographicpatterns in clinical disease that may occur in the following categories:
• Left to right heart shunts
• Cushing defects
• Tetrollogy of Fallot
• Bicuspid Aortic Valve
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