Mar 13, 2025
BSAD 268 - Macklin Business Institute Freshmen Internship (R only)
Provides students in the Macklin Business Institute honors program the opportunity for further experiential learning by combining business academics with a hands-on learning experience. To qualify for this course, a student must be an MBI honors student. To earn course credit, students must work a minimum of 45 hours in a clearly defined employment role for the MBI Café. The MBI Café role requires active involvement in some aspect of business management and not just routine assignment. It is expected that the student will be involved with the operational and/or administrative aspects of the MBI Café, which students will regularly meet on and report on in regularly scheduled MBI Café Board meetings. PREREQUISITE(S): Consent of the department. May be repeated for a maximum of two credits. One to two hours each week.
1-2 semester hours
To register for this course, students must be admitted and active members of the Macklin Business Institute program.
Course Outcomes: Upon completion of this course, a student will be able to:
- Gain real work experience under supervision in the business field.
- Apply business processes and organizational culture theory.
- Apply the theoretical business knowledge gained in classrooms into practice.
- Develop business and management skills for future career opportunities.
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