Montgomery College 2016-2017 Catalog 
    Feb 13, 2025  
Montgomery College 2016-2017 Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

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ARTT 215 - Watercolor I

(G and R only)

The use of transparent watercolor techniques and media with reference to historical and contemporary approaches. Painting in the studio and on location including still life, the figure in the environment, landscape, and architecture. Lectures and demonstrations with independent student responses required. PREREQUISITE(S): ARTT 100   or consent of department. Course may be repeated for audit without limit. Two hours lecture, four hours studio each week. Formerly AR 205.

3 semester hours

Course Outcomes:
Upon course completion, a student will be able to:

  • Demonstrate creative problem solving through the application of abstract theoretical concepts, development of observational skills, and the use of technical skills.
  • Discuss the basic materials and techniques of watercolor painting. (Abstract Theoretical Concepts)
  • Demonstrate effective compositional arrangement (Abstract Theoretical Concepts).
  • Demonstrate an understanding of the rudiments of color design (Abstract Theoretical Concepts).
  • Respond creatively to a general theme suggested by the instructor. (Abstract Theoretical Concepts)
  • Employ the basic vocabulary for making oral or written aesthetic judgments. (Abstract Theoretical Concepts)
  • Demonstrate the ability to lay a basic flat and graded wash. (Technical Skill)
  • Utilize transparency versus opacity. (Technical Skill)
  • Demonstrate fundamental skill development in paint handling and brush control. (Technical Skill)
  • Distinguish broader aesthetic concerns across cultures and eras. (Abstract Theoretical Concepts).
  • Utilize color to convey light, volume, space, and texture. (Technical Skill)

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