Mar 12, 2025
MUSC 190 - Music Theory I (R only) CE
The nature of musical sound and its perception, fundamentals of musical notations, scales, intervals, triads, simple diatonic harmony, keyboard application. Normally taken concurrently with MUSC 194 . PREREQUISITE(S): Music major status or consent of department. Three hours each week. Formerly MU 123.
3 semester hours
Course Outcomes: Upon course completion, a student will be able to:
- Identify and notate all major and minor scales.
- Identify and notate all diatonic and chromatic intervals.
- Identify and notate the four types of triads: major, minor, augmented, and diminished on all 12 notes of the chromatic scale.
- Identify and notate all types of seventh chords, particularly the 5 most commonly encountered in traditional tonal music.
- Demonstrate an understanding of the phenomenon of tonality, and the hierarchical relationships between pitches and chords.
- Analyze root function in a harmonic progression through the use of Roman numerals.
- Notate and identify the 3 positions of triads, and the 4 positions of seventh chords.
- Demonstrate a beginning understanding of the basics of 4-part SATB writing.
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