Mar 14, 2025
NURS 225 - Nursing in Health and Illness II (TP/SS only)
Intermediate medical-surgical nursing course continues the progression of concepts learned in the first two nursing semesters. Students now apply the basic principles learned in prior nursing courses to patients with complex, multi-system disease processes. Core integrated nursing concepts include: safety, clinical reasoning, patient centered care, interdisciplinary collaboration, professionalism, informatics and evidence based practice. Students are now expected to assess, plan and deliver care, evaluate outcomes, and critically reflect on learning while providing care for multiple complex medical-surgical patients. PREREQUISITE(S): A grade of C or better in BIOL 213 , NURS 125 , NURS 126 , NURS 129 , and mathematics foundation or consent of program coordinator. PRE- or COREQUISITE(S): BIOL 210 and English foundation. COREQUISITE(S): NURS 226 . Two hours lecture/discussion, six hours laboratory each week. Formerly NU 225.
4 semester hours
Course Outcomes: Upon course completion, a student will be able to:
- Utilize the nursing process to assess, plan, safely deliver, and evaluate care that is organized, prioritized, and is evidenced based.
- Consistently demonstrate professionalism through accountability.
- Consistently comply with legal and ethical standards in class, lab, clinical practicum, and when providing patient care (i.e. clinical agency and school policies, HIPAA, OSHA, M.D. Nurse Practice Act, ANA Code for Nurses, etc.).
- Analyze client data and prioritizes deviations from the norm when caring for multiple clients with complex problems.
- Recognize and respond appropriately to changes in patient status
- Consistently demonstrate ability to consider assessment data, pathology, age specific, cultural, and psychosocial needs when planning and delivering care.
- Consistently demonstrate patient advocacy.
- Consistently demonstrate respect for others, acts as a patient and family advocate, and is respectful of health beliefs and practices of others
- Demonstrate ability to work well independently, and as a part of the health care team.
- Consistently demonstrate ability to effectively communicate with patients, family, faculty, peers, and the health care team.
- Demonstrate competent use of clinical equipment and information technology in the clinical setting.
- Consistently demonstrate use of safety principles in medication administration and when performing patient care.
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