Montgomery College 2016-2017 Catalog 
    Feb 09, 2025  
Montgomery College 2016-2017 Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

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TVRA 120 - Television Production

(R only)

Introduction to television production facilities and techniques. Principles of picture composition, camera movement, lighting, and audio and control room operation are demonstrated and experienced in actual studio productions. The student will participate in laboratory exercises and be able to demonstrate proficiency in these exercises. The student will produce programs using available studio resources and under the direction of specific formats. Assessment Level(s): ENGL 101 /ENGL 101A , READ 120 . Two hours lecture, four hours laboratory each week. Formerly TR 130.

4 semester hours

Course Outcomes:
Upon course completion, a student will be able to:

  • Recognize the various departments of the FCC and demonstrate an understanding of the function of those departments.
  • Describe the theory and operation of a television production facility.
  • Describe the professional standards and techniques used in today’s video production community.
  • Recognize the basic theory of television lighting and professionally light several different television scenes.
  • Demonstrate how a television camera operates, including technical setup, artistic shot framing, and smooth camera movement..
  • Construct and trouble-shoot a variety of professional audio recording situations in television production.
  • Demonstrate use of professional studio teleprompter software and hardware during television productions.
  • Construct graphics and text and import images for use in a television production with a graphics generating computer program.
  • Demonstrate basic studio engineering/production tasks such a white balancing cameras, riding video gain, recording studio productions and rolling VTR and digital inserts.
  • Perform as an Assistant Director by taking charge of show timings and helping the directing staff.

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