Feb 16, 2025
TVRA 250 - Advanced Digital Media Production (R only)
A course involving the creation of an original digital multimedia presentation in the form of a menu-driven DVD. This process includes selection of a client, needs assessment, objectives statement, budget estimates, timelines, scheduling, working with the client, planning and shooting original video footage and/or rendering an original animation, creating appropriate audio tracks for that original video and/or animation, editing and compositing still and moving visual images with each other and with appropriate audio tracks, and evaluating the effectiveness of the final product. PREREQUISITE(S): A grade of C or better in TVRA 101 , TVRA 125 , and TVRA 224 , or consent of department. Two hours lecture, four hours laboratory each week. Formerly TR 295.
4 semester hours
Course Outcomes: Upon course completion, a student will be able to:
- Write a proposal for a digital multimedia production that can be completed within one semester and with available resources.
- Prepare a proposal for a digital multimedia production.
- Construct budget estimates and timelines for successful completion of all production elements within the specified production timeframe.
- Identify and choose the appropriate authoring tools for a given multimedia project.
- Identify and choose the appropriate file formats for audio and video elements used in the final project.
- Identify and use a method for evaluating the effectiveness of proposed digital multimedia production and for receiving feedback.
- Produce, either individually or as a member of a production team, the digital multimedia program as specified in the final proposal within budget and time projections, using the proposal submitted and approved by the instructor(s).
- Prepare a project binder of all project paperwork for future reference
- Prepare a completed digital multimedia program for presentation to a client.
- Construct an archive of all digital files for future use.
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