Montgomery College 2017-2018 Catalog 
    Mar 11, 2025  
Montgomery College 2017-2018 Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

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ENEE 207 - Electric Circuits

Design, analysis, simulation, construction, and evaluation of electric circuits. Covers basic concepts of electrical engineering such as terminal relationships; applications of Kirchhoff’s laws to simple resistive circuits; solution of resistor networks using mesh and node analysis and Thevenin and Norton’s theorems; transient analysis of first and second-order circuits; DC and AC steady state analysis; frequency response and transfer functions; ideal op-amp circuits and diode and transistor circuits. PREREQUISITE(S): PHYS 262 . PRE- or COREQUISITE(S): MATH 282 . Three hours lecture, two hour laboratory each week. Formerly EE 207.

4 semester hours

Course Outcomes:
Upon course completion, a student will be able to:

  • Identify common electric circuit components and configurations.
  • Apply basic circuit laws and techniques to design and analyze moderately complex linear electronic circuits under sinusoidal steady state conditions.
  • Apply basic circuit laws and techniques to analyze transient response in first and second-order circuits.
  • Analyze and design simple circuits with operational amplifiers.
  • Analyze transistor operation under biased, small signal conditions.
  • Evaluate and approximate the frequency response of circuits under sinusoidal steady-state conditions.
  • Use basic test and measurement equipment to evaluate the performance of simple circuits. Understand basic limitations, inaccuracies, and tolerances of test equipment, components, and procedures.
  • Use simulation tools to design circuits and analyze performance.
  • Use good techniques for drawing circuits and wiring diagrams, breadboarding circuits, and troubleshooting circuits.

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