(R): 225
This curriculum is intended to provide basic skills and foundation education in interior design and in a specialized career topic, indirectly related to interior design, in disciplines that partner with the interior design community.
Typical interior design industry partners include advertising designers, architects, business owners (merchandising/retailing), contractors and builders, craftspeople, custom fabricators (drapery, etc.), fine artists (including sculptors), furniture designers and manufacturers, health care providers, insurance brokers, interior landscape designers, interior photographers, lawyers, mural artists and faux finishers, product representatives, specifiers and draftspeople, theatre and set designers, weavers and textile manufacturers, and web designers. The curriculum will provide the necessary knowledge of interior design as it relates to the student’s success in a career that requires a professional partnership with interior designers.
The selected interior design courses will be taken in combination with the courses selected from the other discipline, or the student will demonstrate experience and accomplishment or completion of the other discipline. College sources, such as program coordinators from the “partner” disciplines, will be consulted for advising in the course selection. Close advising by the interior design coordinator is required.