Montgomery College 2016-2017 Catalog 
    Dec 26, 2024  
Montgomery College 2016-2017 Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

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MHLT 112 - Group Dynamics I

(TP/SS only)

Courses MHLT 112  and MHLT 213  are to be taken consecutively in order to provide a continuous one-year experience. Focus is on helping students to realize their potential for growth more fully and to increase their ability to work with others in a variety of situations. Experiential learning is directed toward the development of self-insight and awareness of impact upon others through a variety of techniques. Lectures, discussion, and reading materials are directed to an understanding of group processes, including factors of cohesion, leadership, conflict, individual roles, communication systems, tasks, and problem solving. PREREQUISITE(S): PSYC 102  or concurrent enrollment and consent of department. Two hours lecture, two hours laboratory each week. Formerly MH 112.

3 semester hours

Course Outcomes:
Upon course completion, a student will be able to:

  • Plan group activities and apply those skills in real life settings.
  • Develop adequate listening skills that will enable them to give and receive helpful feedback to and from mental health clients.
  • Explain group dynamics theory.
  • Demonstrate leadership skills and learn the latest group methods by applying those methods in class.
  • Demonstrate critical thinking skills applicable to related group dynamics skills.
  • Use computer technology and software to produce documentation for various academic and professional settings.

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