Montgomery College 2016-2017 Catalog 
    Mar 12, 2025  
Montgomery College 2016-2017 Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

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SPAN 103 - Intensive Elementary Spanish

(HUMD [M])

An intensive language course comparable to SPAN 101  and SPAN 102  designed for students who have previously studied Spanish but do not place at the level of SPAN 102  and SPAN 201 . The class is communicatively based, focusing on the further development of reading, writing, speaking, and listening skills through the consideration of cultural themes, language functions, and authentic situations. Students should expect the language of the classroom to be Spanish. As part of the curriculum, students explore the many cultures that make up the Spanish-speaking world and present a cultural project. Students who have successfully completed SPAN 102  are not eligible to take SPAN 103 for credit. Not open to native speakers of Spanish. PREREQUISITE(S): Appropriate placement on the Spanish placement test, a minimum of two years of high school Spanish or equivalent, or consent of department. First day in-class placement assessments will be made. In-class work is supplemented by 20 hours of online homework. Four hours each week. Formerly SN 103.

4 semester hours

Course Outcomes:
Upon course completion, a student will be able to:

  • Communicate at an advanced elementary (novice) level in the skill areas of reading, writing, speaking, and listening.
  • Apply more complex grammatical structures supporting communication at the novice level of proficiency.
  • Express and appropriately employ more complex language functions including the following:
    • a. expressing routines
    • b. making comparisons
    • c. requesting and getting permission
    • d. communicating actions and states in the past, present, and future
    • e. produce a cultural project as an integral part of the class
    • f. expressing doubt, uncertainty, volition and emotion.
  • Demonstrate an increased appreciation of the cultures and cultural practices of the Spanish-speaking world.
  • Discuss and analyze the relationship between the cultural practices and products under consideration.
  • Demonstrate an increased understanding and application of appropriate sociolinguistic behaviors as they develop their linguistic ability in Spanish.
  • Produce a cultural project as an integral part of the class.
  • Use appropriate sociolinguistic behaviors when communicating in Spanish.
  • Produce and present a cultural project.

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